
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fat Tuesday

Mardi Gras took on a new meaning tonight at home. More like...make you fat Tuesday. Chino and I started off the night decently with some Vietnamese rice noodles (banh cuong) and then some chicken porridge (chao ga), made by yours truly.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Belated valentine

I think I have a secret admirer. Maybe its because of my reaction to the 'fake cakes', not having a Valentine this past weekend, or maybe its because I've whined that no one ever bakes me anything! My friend delivered this lovely chocolate hazelnut sponge mousse cake this evening!

Long weekend

I need to relax, but its been a bit tough with mounting stress from work and Dave/Wendy's wedding in a couple weeks. It was nice to have a long weekend to unwind.

Though it was Valentines Day weekend, and its the first year I've been single in... well a long time, I didn't feel nostalgic or sad. My cousin got engaged.. so it looks like I'll have another ugly bridesmaid dress in the closet!! :)

Friday I went with the girls to see "He's Just Not That Into You". Some parts were funny, some true, some just depressing. C'est la vie though. Chino brought us some lovely desserts, but I've been complaining about her trying to fatten me up. So this is what she brought. So misleading... look carefully. ITS NOT CAKE!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Resolution update

So an update on my resolutions:

1) Lose 10-15lbs: Well.. um, okay its not going so well, but I like to think that its because I'm getting more toned and muscle weighs more than fat?
2) Run at least 10 miles a week: Yes! Actually since mid September I've run over 200 miles so.. that averages to about 10 a week. Nothing compared to triathletes/marathon runners, but its a big step for someone who used to be super asthmatic with always a couple inhalers on hand!
3) Wear more skirts/dresses (and dress better overall): Getting there. Have worn some skirts.
4) Learn to like lamb, or at least tolerate it: I'm on a lamb regimen of consciously trying to eat lamb every 2 weeks or every other week. Outlook is good.
5) Do some things a little less: drink, spend, eat: Making progress.
6) Do some things a little more: cook/bake, laugh, have fun: I think the girls are helping me a lot with this one. :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Chocolate makes everything better

Today was sort of one of those days. I think maybe its the lack of sleep, or being busy at work, but I seem to be back and forth lately. Oh well, nothing that chocolate won't fix! Whipped up a batch of chocolate chocolate chip cookies with walnuts for the knitting group.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Nice weather...

Well okay the last few days it has been rainy, but last week was really nice and I didn't get a chance to post any pictures.

I biked down to the Mountain View farmers market and then out to Shoreline park to have a picnic (yes by myself).

Pics of the narcissus and some pretty greens from the farmers market as well as the park where I camped out reading:

Friday, February 6, 2009

Dinner party

Tonight I hosted a pretty good dinner party!

For starters we had garlic bread, mini quiches, deviled eggs, and a fruit and cheese platter. As a main I served boeuf bourguignon (french beef stew), rosemary garlic mashed potatoes with a mushroom/shallot madeira sauce, steamed veggies with aioli, and a salad. For dessert we had this fabulous homemade chocolate walnut tart with strawberries, vanilla ice cream, and a chocolate sauce. I have severe food coma.

Theres nothing like good food, good friends, even good family (Dave and Wendy stopped by) to make you appreciate what you have instead of sulking over what you're missing.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Applying to ESCF Ferrandi pastry school

So I'm actually doing it. The realization hit yesterday as I was standing in line to get my transcript from Mission College. I had also just been to the bank to get an international draft (cashiers check for my application).

I've almost got all the paperwork together. If I'm accepted I'll have to jump through a few more administrative hoops... such as getting a student visa at the French Consulate, getting health insurance, and finding a place to live. To think in 7 months I may be living in Paris. I should probably tell my boss soon...

Je suis tellement excitée, mais nerveuse au même temps! (I'm so excited, but nervous at the same time). Reminds me.. I need to audit French 3 at DeAnza next quarter.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Temple of doom

No, I didn't go see an Indiana Jones flick, but this was even more terrifying. Today consisted of changing the oil in my car, running errands, knitting, and reading. Quite uneventful so far.. or so I thought.

Chino came to pick me up around 9:30 to go celebrate Alex's sister's bday. We met up w/ them at a restaurant called Koh Samui & the Monkey. Loved the name.. the drinks all had something to do with a monkey. After last week's debacle, I decided to abstain. We then went to Tom Collins where Chino convinced me to have one drink. Yes ONE drink, and ONLY one.

We then went to a club called Temple around the corner. I feel like a list should suffice for the rather shitty experience there:

1) $20 cover charge.. rip off.
2) Freezing cold!
3) Tacky fake fireplaces that didn't help with line item #2.
4) Enough sacrilegious Buddhas that would give the Dali Lama a heart attack.
5) Infestation of asian guys. I felt like I was back in Vietnam.
6) Weird guy who did this dance that looked like he was taking a crap on the ground.
7) Club cleared out before it was even closed.

On the bright side, the company was good and I attempted to get my money's worth by getting some exercise on the vacant dance floor. Clubbing hasn't been all that fun lately.. as if somethings missing.

Since my mantra of the year is "hope", I think it would be more than adequate to say that I hope to god that we never go back there.