
Friday, February 13, 2009

Resolution update

So an update on my resolutions:

1) Lose 10-15lbs: Well.. um, okay its not going so well, but I like to think that its because I'm getting more toned and muscle weighs more than fat?
2) Run at least 10 miles a week: Yes! Actually since mid September I've run over 200 miles so.. that averages to about 10 a week. Nothing compared to triathletes/marathon runners, but its a big step for someone who used to be super asthmatic with always a couple inhalers on hand!
3) Wear more skirts/dresses (and dress better overall): Getting there. Have worn some skirts.
4) Learn to like lamb, or at least tolerate it: I'm on a lamb regimen of consciously trying to eat lamb every 2 weeks or every other week. Outlook is good.
5) Do some things a little less: drink, spend, eat: Making progress.
6) Do some things a little more: cook/bake, laugh, have fun: I think the girls are helping me a lot with this one. :)

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