
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Applying to ESCF Ferrandi pastry school

So I'm actually doing it. The realization hit yesterday as I was standing in line to get my transcript from Mission College. I had also just been to the bank to get an international draft (cashiers check for my application).

I've almost got all the paperwork together. If I'm accepted I'll have to jump through a few more administrative hoops... such as getting a student visa at the French Consulate, getting health insurance, and finding a place to live. To think in 7 months I may be living in Paris. I should probably tell my boss soon...

Je suis tellement excitée, mais nerveuse au même temps! (I'm so excited, but nervous at the same time). Reminds me.. I need to audit French 3 at DeAnza next quarter.


  1. YAY!!!!!!!

    I'm jealous. Seriously. If I won the lotto, I'd do it again. HAHAH!

    Oh and "Je suis excitee" means that you are horny. Kinda like "Je suis chaud."

    A bientot !

  2. LOL.. Are you serious? Well that too I guess... :P
