No, I didn't go see an Indiana Jones flick, but this was even more terrifying. Today consisted of changing the oil in my car, running errands, knitting, and reading. Quite uneventful so far.. or so I thought.
Chino came to pick me up around 9:30 to go celebrate Alex's sister's bday. We met up w/ them at a restaurant called Koh Samui & the Monkey. Loved the name.. the drinks all had something to do with a monkey. After last week's debacle, I decided to abstain. We then went to Tom Collins where Chino convinced me to have one drink. Yes ONE drink, and ONLY one.
We then went to a club called Temple around the corner. I feel like a list should suffice for the rather shitty experience there:
1) $20 cover charge.. rip off.
2) Freezing cold!
3) Tacky fake fireplaces that didn't help with line item #2.
4) Enough sacrilegious Buddhas that would give the Dali Lama a heart attack.
5) Infestation of asian guys. I felt like I was back in Vietnam.
6) Weird guy who did this dance that looked like he was taking a crap on the ground.
7) Club cleared out before it was even closed.
On the bright side, the company was good and I attempted to get my money's worth by getting some exercise on the vacant dance floor. Clubbing hasn't been all that fun lately.. as if somethings missing.
Since my mantra of the year is "hope", I think it would be more than adequate to say that I hope to god that we never go back there.
I went to that club once when it first opened but only because a DJ I really liked was spinning. Derrick May I think. (Only reason I'll go to a club really.) I remember making snarky comments about the clientele with my friend until the DJ I came there to see came on and then I just danced a bunch.