
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Long weekend

I need to relax, but its been a bit tough with mounting stress from work and Dave/Wendy's wedding in a couple weeks. It was nice to have a long weekend to unwind.

Though it was Valentines Day weekend, and its the first year I've been single in... well a long time, I didn't feel nostalgic or sad. My cousin got engaged.. so it looks like I'll have another ugly bridesmaid dress in the closet!! :)

Friday I went with the girls to see "He's Just Not That Into You". Some parts were funny, some true, some just depressing. C'est la vie though. Chino brought us some lovely desserts, but I've been complaining about her trying to fatten me up. So this is what she brought. So misleading... look carefully. ITS NOT CAKE!

Saturday was full of shopping, eating, relaxing and went to see the new Shopaholic movie. Not as good as the book, but are they ever? Sunday I hung out with Ezekiel and we cooked up some tonkatsu and okonomiyaki. I forgot to take pics though. However I did snap a picture of this curious looking ice cream in the freezer section of the Filipino grocery store.

Yes. That is ice cream... CORN and CHEESE ice cream. Some things are just wrong. I figure the Spaniards threw some weird ass food at the Filipinos to distract/confuse them so they wouldn't notice they were being colonized.

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