
Monday, May 17, 2010

What I miss from California...

I miss a lot of things from California. Of course the first being my friends and family, but I can't help but miss the wide variety of food we have! Sometimes I even think that I remember the food tasting better than it actually does. Last week I was in California for 3.5 days (to be exact). What do I hit up first? Los Charros Taqueria in Mountain View for a Jumbo burrito and a fish taco of course.

A French person, when finding out that I'm from California actually said, "Oh hey.. In-n-Out!". You have no idea how hard it is to find a really good burger here in Paris, but then again I don't really try since I know it won't hold a flame close to my charbroiled burgers with special sauce. On another note I've also been craving onion rings. But 6 euros for 8 onion rings?! Seems ridiculous to me.

Note: The 'animal style' fries were not mine! They look like they probably could give you a heart attack. I once saw a guy order two of them.

Of course I can't forget my obligatory happy hour appetizers. In France they'd call these 'tex-mex' tapas. Though I can't tell you exactly why... since tapas are Spanish, and last I checked onion rings, potato skins, and chicken wings aren't remotely Mexican.

Taqueria Los Charros
854 West Dana Street

Mountain View, CA 94041
Tel: 650 969 1464


  1. OMGoodness! So much good looking food!! The jumbo burrito looks especially yummy. *^^*

  2. oh man I know the feeling, I'm living on the east coast now and they can't make a burrito out here to save their lives...

  3. now i really want to take a trip to california
