I think because I'm elbow deep in chantilly every week, filling choux pastries, or garnishing some mignardises, I generally jump at the chance to bake some treats that remind me of home.
At work they've been trying out new recipes to show off to CM, hoping he'll okay it and it'll show up on the menu. There are two new petite gateaux and a new chocolate chip cookie. I have to admit its a ton better than the unleavened pucks of dough that are dotted with canadian M&Ms, but the new chocolate chip cookies are way too sweet. CM's new recipe has tons of moscovado sugar in it...and being an American, it doesn't sit well with me.
So what do I do? I bring in my own recipe. It was a hit, and a couple of the chefs de partie copied it down. One chef de partie who is really nice to me (he's even offered to help me with my CAP test preparations) left one out for CM to try. But I never heard anything. Oh well at least they now know what a 'vrai chocolate cookie american" is.
I also whipped up some banana muffins with streusel top. They're easy to make in the morning and fresh muffins sure beats any of those frozen overpriced atrocities at Plaza Athénée. I think I need to stop mentioning my recipes at work... I already have someone harassing me every week to bring in some chocolate beet cake.
Just don't mention the gallon-o-oil carrot cake. Mmmm. Is that the famed chocolate cookie recipe that we had whittled the vast selection of recipes down to?