
Monday, May 31, 2010

Picard pick me up

Though it's not cold in Paris right this instant, I can't say the same for a few weeks ago when I went to Picard. It was cold, I was tired from work, and just wanted something warm and filling.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Ready to pop a CAP up your....

Okay no. I haven't gotten all Parisian gangster on you. The fact of the matter is that I'm cramming and practicing for my CAP exams. That's "say-ah-pay" or Certificat d'Aptitude Professionnelle for the French. It's pretty much like a vocational GED and will make it easier if I intend on trying to find a baking job out here (which I'm still on the fence about).

What I didn't realize when I signed up, is that its about 14 hours of testing including subjects like French, science, math, 'professional and social life' (whatever the heck that is), gestion of stocks (pretty much pastry theory), and a 7 hour baking exam. Oh, not to mention I have to prepare two essays for history and geography with references. Yes that's two essays in French, that I'll have to talk about/defend in French. Seems a bit masochistic.

Anyways, to prep for the exam, I've also been baking. I made a rustic tart the other day.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Weekend in Alsace

So amidst all my studying, working, and trying to recover from my short trip back to the US, I had a friend from California come visit. I'd never been to the Alsace region of France and got it in my head that it would be a good idea to drive out there from Paris on a Parisian holiday weekend. Though the driving wasn't so bad, it was long and a bit tiring. Next time I think I'll take the train though. We went to Strasbourg and Colmar, which are wondrously picturesque cities, and even crossed the border to visit Freiberg, Germany.  All I have to say is whatever they speak out there (that isn't French).. is a very odd sounding language. German isn't so pretty either. 

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Good 'ole American Recipes

I think because I'm elbow deep in chantilly every week, filling choux pastries, or garnishing some mignardises, I generally jump at the chance to bake some treats that remind me of home.

Monday, May 17, 2010

What I miss from California...

I miss a lot of things from California. Of course the first being my friends and family, but I can't help but miss the wide variety of food we have! Sometimes I even think that I remember the food tasting better than it actually does. Last week I was in California for 3.5 days (to be exact). What do I hit up first? Los Charros Taqueria in Mountain View for a Jumbo burrito and a fish taco of course.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Bear with me folks, I'm lagging behind a bit on my posting. I do have a very good excuse though. I'm jet-lagged after flying back to the U.S. for 3.5 days. It was a suicide mission, but seeing that I was a bridesmaid in my cousin's wedding, I think she would have flown to Paris to murder me had I not come. So after leaving Paris on a Wednesday, flying back on a Sunday...and then straight to work afterward, I'm a bit tired. I promise I'll have some tasty bites or work drama to write about soon!