
Monday, March 1, 2010

Cheesecake and burgers

The other night les filles from school came over for some good ole American cooking. I figured we could share our trials and tribulations from our stages over a plate of burgers and fries. Though apple pie is really American, I really wanted to make some cheesecake.

In Paris is quite difficult to find Philadelphia cream cheese. Sure we have it in huge tub-fulls at work, but I can't really be pilfering, and plus I'm sure security would notice a large bulge in my purse. Graham crackers? I don't even know if French people know what graham crackers are, and I was feeling to lazy to make my own. Thank goodness for the internet. I was able to find a couple replacements. Tartiner type of cheese (such as St. Moret), and McVitie's digestives. At least condensed milk was easy enough to find.

The cake went into the oven for an hour, cooled for an hour and then I topped it with some fresh strawberries. I think it was a bit overcooked, since I didn't compensate for the shallow pan. Still tasty though!

And this is how Americans do burgers!


  1. Did the McVitie's digestives turn out to be a close approximation of Graham crackers? Just curious.


    P.S. NICE American burger! Now I want to make a Tommy's Burger run.

  2. Like most things here that are trying to be American.... it was good and an okay replacement, but just not the same!

  3. You know they've started selling Philadelphia here?

    They sell those big tubs at Metro.
