
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Funny things from Ikea

I love Ikea. Absolutely LOVE. And though their furniture is only as sturdy and good as the person who puts it together, they do sell good linens, plants, and the best garlic press known to man.

Wandering around Ikea makes me think of home; they carry just about the same stuff that we do back in the states! I was able to find some interesting foods in their marketplace that I'm not sure would fly with Americans.

Reindeer. Yes kids.. that's Rudolph's leg I'll be snacking on.

Elk lasagna. It didn't taste very elk-y though I'm not sure what elk is supposed to taste like. It tasted like beef if you ask me.

Pear cider. Yes Ikea makes it's own cider. Unfortunately for me I accidentally picked up the non-alcoholic one. Argh. I guess I should have paid more attention to "Alkoholfri" on the label.

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