
Monday, February 22, 2010

Oh sheet...

So being an American, you'd think I'd jump at the chance to make some chocolate chip cookies at work right? Well, yeah if we actually used chocolate chips in the lab instead of having to pulverize Valhrona chocolate, and if I didn't have to make 12 kilos (~26.5 pounds) of it.. in one go. To make matters worse, these aren't Nestle Toll House cookies that plump up. They're cut out with a round cutter. Its blasphemy if you ask me.

Well anyways, today I had to use the Laminateur, aka pastry dough sheeter, to roll out my 12 kilos of dough. Well you know how they tell children to look both ways before crossing the street? Well kids, if you ever use a pastry dough sheeter, make sure to look on both sides of the belt before using it. I learned the hard way. One of the ADPA (Alain Ducasse a Plaza Athénée) pastry guys put a sheet of thin dentelle cookie things on it...and before I knew it.. crash.. splat.

After a slew of expletives from him, horror-stricken, I cleaned up the mess. He apologized too... since he should have known better than to put the sheet there! Oh well I'm tired... and don't really give a sheet full of dough.

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