
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Oh oh okonomiyaki

According to Wikipedia, Okonomiyaki is a "Japanese savoury pancake containing a variety of ingredients. The name is derived from the word okonomi, meaning 'what you like' or 'what you want', and yaki meaning 'grilled' or 'cooked'."

I'm always craving Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese food. Luckily for me, Asian food is readily available in Paris. One thing I don't understand though, is how you'll find an Asian restaurant that says they're a Chinese/Vietnamese/Thai restaurant. I know Asian people look the same and the cuisine is similar, but c'mon... give me a break! Then again, they call anything ranging from chicken wings and onion rings to marshmallow fluff and peanut butter: "Tex-Mex". Oh the French, how I love thee and thy senseless cuisine associations.

Around Opera in the 8th Arrondissement, there are plenty of Japanese restaurants. There you can find pearl tea, bento, sushi, ramen, and okonomiyaki. I think it's a lot of fun to watch people make your food. Also you can see exactly what goes in it! These guys are pros with their pancake spatulas.

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