
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Twelve miles around Paris

So today was a busy, but not so busy day. Forcing myself to relax a bit, the only thing on the agenda was to meet my landlady in the afternoon.

I walked down to the Bastille market. I love the markets in Paris; stalls abundant with produce, fish, breads, and even merchants hawking their odd wares. I even found an Asian stall and bought myself a spring roll for lunch! True they didn't get it quite right, serving it with sweet and sour sauce instead of peanut sauce, but it's still a small reminder of home.

After lunching by the Bastille, I walked through the Jardin du Luxembourg to Rue du Chateau to find my new apartment. By apartment, I mean studio. By studio I mean glorified closet. And by glorified closet I mean tiny shoebox that I'm not sure how I'll manage to live in. However my landlady is really nice and accommodating, so we'll see how it pans out. I'll save the apt rant for another post.

By the time I got home, I logged 12.5 miles on the pedometer. Time to give my feet a rest, perhaps tomorrow I'll opt for the metro.

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