
Friday, August 21, 2009

Le Palais and bouillabaise

Today was our last day in Marseille before heading back to Paris via the TGV in Avignon. My dad went on a boat tour in the morning, but I decided to stay in and be lazy. Plus with temps in the high 90s, I think I did myself a favor.

I did however make a foray over to the Palais de Longchamp. Kinda dirty and overgrown with moss, but maybe that's the look they're going for.

For dinner my dad order bouillabaise, the traditional fish soup originating from Marseille. It's served with croutons and a mayonnaise called rouille. Personally I'm not a heavy fish eater, so the soup is a bit too fishy for my tastes, so I ordered a salad and prawns. It is definitely something you must try when in Marseille; "le vrai bouillabaise"... I guess other places don't make it correctly!

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