
Friday, August 28, 2009

Random eats in Paris

Believe it or not. I'm getting tired of eating. To be honest, tired of eating out all the time. I can only handle so many restaurants before I'm craving a home cooked meal. Cooking is therapy for me, so naturally I crave it every now and then when I'm feeling down.

I've been craving some foods too from home. Particularly Mexican food and In-n-Out. It is possible to find burgers here, but they're just not the same. Their ground beef is actually of a higher quality... maybe too good to be put in a burger.

I had dinner with my dad and one of his old school friends from Vietnam. The two of them are pretty funny together. There's nothing like elderly banter between people who go back several decades.

However the drive back home, which should have taken five to ten minutes at most, took over an hour as we found ourselves on the autoroute. Mind you my dad's friend has lived around Paris for twenty-five years. Hazard lights, going against traffic, and stopping in the middle of a roundabout...perhaps he should retire his license? It was a bit worrisome.

A couple nights ago we went and had Bretagne galettes made with buckwheat, a hunters salad, and dessert crepe. Very tasty, but I was so full afterward.

Yesterday while walking around Jardin du Luxembourg, I stopped at a fast food pasta place. Name your noodle, sauce, and cheese of choice and they quickly package it in a box reminiscent of a Chinese to-go container. For five euros, it's an easy meal on the go.

As I mentioned, I'm sick of all this eating out, and frankly needed some culinary therapy. I stopped by my local Franprix (grocery store) and picked up fixings for some boeuf bourguignon. Served with the heel of a baguette, it made for a comforting meal after a week of eating out.

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