So yesterday I went with my landlady to her banker to fill out some insurance forms. Though my French is quite limited, especially in the presence of those who jabber on at a mile a minute, I picked up that the banker liked to travel to London to buy clothes.
Apparently there are some "bonnes marques" aka good brands, especially American, that you can find there and not find here. Upon further inquiry, the banker mentioned how he absolutely loves "Ahh-bear-crom-bieee" and how it's so much better than "Hole-eeesst-staire". It took me a minute to realize he was talking about Abercrombie and Holister. I mentioned that I can't stand the brands myself since the stores play music at a deafening volume and reek of perfume. Well I figure it's gotta be someone's cup of tea.
Today I decided to run some errands and check out the Monoprix located near the Montparnasse tower. I figured it would be like a Target with some basic house hold items and a line of clothing, but lo and behold I was wrong!
They have a pretty extensive food section. Imagine if Target and Trader Joes had a love child with a seafood, cheese, and meat section. Exactly. I perused and perused. I even found 'ethnic' food! Japanese, Indian, even Tex-Mex.
Now I bet you're all wondering what Tex-Mex is, at least to the French. Of course there was salsa, chips, and tortillas (yay!), but also lumped into this ethnic category included peanut butter (outrageously priced), popcorn, and marshmallow fluff. How marshmallow fluff is Tex-Mex is beyond me. I went a bit overboard and this is some of what I came home with. Can you figure out what I decided to make?
Though the tortillas and chips are probably chocked full of preservatives with a sell by date dating well into 2010, I figured that this is probably as good as it's going to get here in Paris when it comes to Mexican food. Also cheddar was a lot more expensive (and didn't come shredded), so I settled for some emmenthal. All I'd say was missing was a margarita, but I think that'd be pushing my luck.
very entertaining =)