
Monday, July 13, 2015

Why Hello, Kitty!

One of my favorite memories as a child was going to the mall with my mom and begging her to let me go into the Sanrio store. What little girl doesn't like Hello Kitty? I vividly remember a "surprise gift wheel", which incidentally taught us gambling at an early age. My mom would pay the dollar or two, and I got to spin a wheel hoping to get the grand prize (usually a large sized stuffed animal). More often than not the wheel would stop, and the pointer would land on a surprise grab bag; usually containing some stickers, erasers, or candy.

I while back, I came across a Hello Kitty cake pan on sale, and couldn't resist. Though I've come across many Hello Kitty items during my travels to Japan, this pan was actually purchased state-side and is readily available online or most craft stores.

I've made Hello Kitty cakes several times at the request of friends or family; usually for someones birthday. I generally bake a simple Victoria sponge, which is a little dense, and hold up well to copious amount of strawberries and whipped cream filling.

But why stop at a Hello Kitty cake? I've made Hello Kitty cupcakes for a birthday and topped them off with pearlized chocolate and Hello Kitty candies.

No Hello Kitty themed party would be complete without some sugar cookies. I must admit that these cookies were a bit labor intensive. I'm generally not a huge fan of royal icing covered cookies, as you have to flood and build layers upon layers of royal icing.

In any case, the cookies turned out great and were a huge hit with the kids. These flavorful feline treats for me are nostalgic and fun, and a reminder that you can be any age and still love all things Hello Kitty.

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