
Friday, August 30, 2013

Charlotte aux fraises

Every now and then for parties I like to throw together a Charlotte. They look really pretty, and to be honest, aren't a lot of work, relative to other layered cakes. I've posted about a Charlotte Russe on my blog before but previously didn't share the recipe. Since I was attending two family parties, I decided to make a strawberry Charlotte, or Charlotte aux fraises. The ladyfingers and Bavarian cream are super light and reminiscent of a lot of Asian cakes.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

B. Patisserie

A few weekends ago I had the opportunity to meet up with a few of my pastry school girlfriends. One of whom has a macaron bakery in Venezuela and was on her honeymoon in the States. After a really late brunch... okay it was pretty much breakfast at 1pm, we headed over to B. Patisserie. B Patisserie is a magnificent pastry shop opened by Belinda Leong about six months ago in Pacific Heights. If you haven't heard of her, she's done stints all across Europe (including Pierre Herme), and was the pastry chef at Gary Danko and Manresa. The clean look and modern lines of pastry shop is very reminiscent of Philippe Conticini's La Patisserie des Reves, though she designed an open kitchen with a back wall lined with refrigerators. Since a couple of my friends worked at Pierre Herme, and she was curious about my stint at Plaza Athenee, we had quite a bit to chat about. However meeting the chef, and the amazing decor (including  seasonal tree wall mural decorated with macarons), did not overshadow the pastries.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Browned butter salted Nutella-stuffed chocolate chip cookies

Every now and then I come across a recipe that I find a little questionable. And other times, I come across recipes that just don't work for me. As my blog will attest, I generally don't publish posts or pictures of things that outright fail. Those baking atrocities usually end up at work where I have an abundance of folks more than happy to get rid of any evidence that something has gone awry in my kitchen.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Healthier summer treats

With summer officially here, and most people trying to slim down and get bathing suit-ready, I've been trying to be a little more conscious about making healthy treats to bring into work (with great difficulty naturally). I've snuck oatmeal into my chocolate chip cookies, and have substituted yogurt for the fat in some recipes. Though some people prefer these healthy alternatives, or substitutions, sometimes I feel its just more satisfying to eat a full-fat dessert, but just less of it. Moderation peoples, moderation.

Monday, May 6, 2013


I'm not sure why, but I've always been drawn to madeleines. I think because they're so small, you never quite feel so guilty indulging, as you would a slice of cake, or even a cupcake. With their nicely scalloped shape, they're the perfect dainty tea cake. I've made madeleines before, as mentioned here, but realized that I never posted the recipe!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Whiskey Truffles

Not too long ago, I was able to pick up some chocolate transfer sheets at my local baking supply store. Chocolate transfer sheets are essentially acetate sheets that have been sprayed with cocoa butter. When pressed against tempered chocolate, the design will then transfer from the sheet to the chocolate. Those fancy chocolate with shiny colored tops, or ribbons of chocolate with designs that top cakes are no longer a mystery.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Pain de mie

If you can recall from my pastry school days, I was quite (and still am) obsessed with pain de mie. Also known as a pullman loaf, it is the quintessential white bread loaf. You can also find it in Taiwanese bakeries, being hard to miss with it's signature square loaf shape. With it's fluffy 'mie' or crumb, and hardly any crust, it is perfect for sandwiches or toast.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Pierre Herme's Jasmine Macarons

As promised, here is the recipe for PH's jasmine macarons. In my opinion, the delicate flavor of the jasmine ganache compliments sweet macaron cookie. In any case, one or two more than satisfies my pallet.