
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Browned butter salted Nutella-stuffed chocolate chip cookies

Every now and then I come across a recipe that I find a little questionable. And other times, I come across recipes that just don't work for me. As my blog will attest, I generally don't publish posts or pictures of things that outright fail. Those baking atrocities usually end up at work where I have an abundance of folks more than happy to get rid of any evidence that something has gone awry in my kitchen.

A while back my friend suggested I try a recipe for browned butter salted nutella-stuffed chocolate chip cookies from this blog. Sure it has a lot of different elements in it, and in a way is just a glorified chocolate chip cookie. Browned butter, when used correctly will impart a nutty flavor to whatever you're adding it to. However you have to pay careful attention to make sure it doesn't burn and turn into one big nasty mess.

The blog writer swears by brown butter, and so I decided to give the recipe a whirl. I melted, browned, and cooled my butter. Then I proceeded to make a standard chocolate chip cookie, with three different types of chocolate chips. Yum.

Then I had to meticulously envelop Nutella inside each ball of cookie dough. Next time I think it might be worthwhile to pipe the Nutella onto parchment paper first, freeze it overnight, and then put wrap the cookie dough around it. By just glopping the Nutella in the middle, I feel it cooked out a bit and didn't end up as ooey and gooey as in the blog.

I think in the future, I'd like to let the dough sit overnight so the flavors can meld a little more. I didn't really taste too much of the browned butter, but perhaps I conservatively removed it from the heat before it was ready. I don't think this chocolate chip cookie quite 'changed my life', as the blog writer promised. However, for those of you looking for a great sea salt chocolate chip cookie recipe that chills over night check out this one here, which actually describes the dough baked after 12, 24, and 36 hours of resting. Neato.

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