
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Peanut butter cup cookies

The problem with being a transient (well okay technically I'm  not), or rather living out of a suitcase is that you can never find anything. My problem is that I know everything is in storage somewhere, but I just don't know exactly where to go digging.

I came across this problem when I wanted to make some peanut butter cup cookies that required this Wilton Silicone Mini Muffin Pan. I scoured high and low through all my boxes of baking goods and it was no where to be found. I'm not really one to lose or misplace things and I have a good enough memory to recall that I didn't throw it into one of my many Goodwill bags.

Annoyingly, I had already bought some peanut butter cups. So whats a girl to do? Take the angst out on a chopping block and make some chocolate chip peanut butter cookies.

Equally as yummy, but not quite what I was going for. Fast forward a month, I finally find the mini muffin pans in a box tucked away in an obscure place I'd never have thought to look in the first place. Dumb luck I guess. Or maybe just dumb. I've made this cookie recipe several times before and its pretty fail/fool-proof. It's a basic peanut butter cookie recipe that you bake into the molds.

Once the baked cookie dough comes out of the oven, it is imperative to smash the peanut butter cups into them as quickly as possible. Take your time and the dough will start to set and they don't look as nice. Why not bake the peanut butter cups directly into the cookie? Well my dear Watson, the peanut butter cups are likely to melt far more quickly than the dough cooks, and you'll end up with a cookie with a gloopy mess in the middle. If that does it for you, well go right on ahead and don't mind me.

What's better than a peanut butter cup? One nested in a peanut butter cookie. They're intense and I generally can't handle more than one of them with a glass of milk. These cookies are always a hit, unless you have a severe nut allergy. Then they're just a death wish, I suppose.

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