
Monday, December 6, 2010


Could Maoz possibly trump the Ace of Falafels? I think so. To be honest, I didn't have high expectations of this chain that has locations all over the world. We ordered our falafels that took less than ten minutes to make. True they're not as fast as the places on Rue des Rosiers, but we could see that our falafel balls were crisping away in the fryer.

When we received our falafels, they were topped with a bit of salad. This might sound disappointing, but once you walk into Maoz, the first thing you'll notice is the overflowing self-serve bar of condiments, couscous, veggies, and sides. That's right, you can fill your falafel to your heart's desire, and top it off with a selection of sauces ranging from mild to spicy. The best part? You can go back for refills. One thing my friend and I both noticed about these falafels is that since you can fill them with as much, or little sauce as you please, they don't end up soggy as at some other places.

Though L'As du Falafel is the mecca for falafels in Paris, I have been eating at L'As du Falafel since 2006, and one thing is for sure.. the quality has gone downhill. Though I have to give it to them for being able to queue up a line 30 people deep. The last time I sat down in the restaurant to eat, I kid you not, I saw a mouse scurrying around the restaurant floor. True this might be common in a lot of restaurants, but not something you want to see while digging into your falafel. The last time I brought some friends there, all three friends got horribly sick that night. I was the only one without stomach pains; perhaps the extra chili sauce on my falafel helped kill off whatever was making them sick.

Yes Maoz, might be too small of a joint to have a mouse running around it, but I'll definitely take all-you-can-eat salad bar over getting food poisoning. It's true that the concepts of self-serve and à volonté (all you can eat) aren't that common in France, but when it comes to filling up my falafel with goodies, I'll take this over lining up on the sidewalk for a hyped up falafel any day.

36 rue St-André des Arts
75006 Paris
Tel: 01 43 26 36 00

1 comment:

  1. Haha... I ate there a couple times when I was in Spain.... cheap and good. Just the way I like it. =P
