
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Escargot and Giveaway Winner Announced

Since being back in California, I've tried to accommodate all of the baking requests I've received. Unfortunately I can't make all those fancy shmancy things that I did when I was back in school or working at the hotel; some tools just can't be found stateside. Even if I could find a high-powered torch like we used at the hotel, or various baking rings, it's hardly worth the effort of buying stuff since I'll be back in Paris soon.

One request was for escargot. No, not those slimy shelled garden friends drenched in yummy garlic parsley butter, but rather a pastry found at La Boulange Bakery in San Francisco. Turns out this 'escargot' is called a raisin custard swirl there.

Usually escargots are made with puff pastry or brioche dough. I decided to go the brioche dough route and mixed together flour, eggs, sugar, yeast, butter, etc.

While the dough was resting and rising, I quickly threw together some pastry cream for the filling.

When the dough was ready, I rolled it out, filled it with the pastry cream, sprinkled with raisins, and rolled it up tightly. The dough roll was then cut into approximately 2 inch pieces.

After a quick egg wash, these little snails went into the oven. They came out a little doughier than I would have liked. I think next time I'll let the dough rest overnight in the fridge so it can be come more elastic and lighter. Though I haven't tried the one from La Boulange to compare, they were still pretty good.

Now for the moment that I know you've all been waiting for: The winner for the book giveaway!

Drum roll please............

The winner is marialucia74!!! Congratulations and thanks to everyone who entered!

1 comment:

  1. Oh yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited. I will share this with my mom who loves to bake and cook.

    She will be totally jazzed about this!
    Thank you Diana!!
