
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Escargot and Giveaway Winner Announced

Since being back in California, I've tried to accommodate all of the baking requests I've received. Unfortunately I can't make all those fancy shmancy things that I did when I was back in school or working at the hotel; some tools just can't be found stateside. Even if I could find a high-powered torch like we used at the hotel, or various baking rings, it's hardly worth the effort of buying stuff since I'll be back in Paris soon.

One request was for escargot. No, not those slimy shelled garden friends drenched in yummy garlic parsley butter, but rather a pastry found at La Boulange Bakery in San Francisco. Turns out this 'escargot' is called a raisin custard swirl there.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Awesome Book Giveaway!

I'm always wondering who actually reads my blog and if anyone is getting any entertainment out of it other than myself and a handful of friends. I know you people exist! To commemorate my (almost) 225th post as well as a year anniversary from when I moved to Paris and started pastry school, I've decided to give you, yes YOU something. That's right folks. Who doesn't like free stuff??

When moving to France I decided to amp up my France related literature. That includes reading lots about Julia Child, scanning the 2009 Michelin Guide for Paris, and of course packing a book by one of my favorite food bloggers, David Lebovitz. He's a really nice guy. I've met him a couple times and he actually let me pay for one of my books using metro tickets (hey I was a few euros short!). His book, The Sweet Life in Paris, is witty, funny and full of great recipes, my favorite being the madeleines. It was nice to know that someone else could relate to all the administrative and cultural weirdness I was going through. I figure if someone could laugh about how backwards the postal system, bank and bureaucracy is, so could I. I really enjoyed this book. In fact I enjoyed it so much, I want one of you to have a copy!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Rock Creek

As much as I love to eat and bake, luckily for me that's not all I've been up to back in California (otherwise I'd gain 1000 pounds). Its nice to get out of the kitchen every now and then. I went camping at Rock Creek, in the Sierra National Forest, with some friends and family.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Pupusas and Plantains

Need I say more? One of my girlfriends has been going on and on about this Pupuseria in Campbell that she always visits every time she's in the South Bay. The other day I decided to stop by to check out this joint.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

German Chocolate Cake

The other day I received a request for German chocolate cake. When I think about any sort of German cake, the only thing that comes to mind is Black Forest Cake. However, kirsch flavored chocolate cake with soaked cherries wasn't what my friend had in mind. She described a chocolate cake with coconut and pecans. Didn't sound German at all.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Baking at home

As I mentioned before, baking in California is a lot more difficult than baking in France. Scaling things from imperial system to metric, not having my tools on hand, and different ovens are just some of the few things that have attributed to my baking flops. It's not stopping me from continuing to bake though. Nowadays cookies and cupcakes don't seem that difficult and I'm always looking through my school cookbook for French desserts to make.

For a birthday, I made some pate a choux filled with chocolate pastry cream and chocolate drizzled on top.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

C'est Doux's new look!

This morning I woke up and realized that looking at my blog made me want to puke. Not a good thing. Perhaps it was too much glaring pink viewing it on a 30" monitor, but I decided it was time for change. Why did I ever think pink font was a good idea?!

I'm a writer and a pastry enthusiast, but a graphic/blog designer? That I am not. I've toned down the color a little and removed the cupcake background (I think cupcakes are a passing novelty anyways). It's simple. I'm simple. I like it. But do you like it? Tell me what you think!

Also I'm thinking of doing some sort of baking-related giveaway soon. So check back regularly!!