
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Manifestation and the kid I wanted to kill

On my days off, I like to take the bus around town. It's a nice change from traveling underground all week long. However, today there was a 'manifestation' over by Bastille. What does that mean? To me it meant that all the buses going in that general direction were either canceled or detoured. A normally 30 minute metro ride, or 45 minute bus ride took over 45 minutes 2 buses, a metro ride, and a lot of walking. I did a Google search for what might be going on in the neighborhood, which was useless. I checked the twitter posts of one of my favorite food bloggers and it turns out there's some demonstration going on. A lot of angry people.

Speaking of angry (a perfect segue into my next blog topic), I usually don't get very angry at work. Exhausted, burned, and hungry. Sure. Angry? Not really. I usually don't talk too much about the people I work with either.  This is an exception. Last week marked the return of this 15 year old piece of sh*t stagiaire who came to work with us for a week, about a couple months ago. I'm not sure if he's young, or a bit slow, or just has no respect for anyone. It could be all three. Half the time if he wasn't messing up a recipe he had already attempted twice, he was ignoring his duties and wandering around the lab asking others what they were doing. Also, when cleaning time came around, he'd conveniently disappear or say that he needed to go home.

I like to think I'm patient. Most of the staigiares who come through our lab only stay for 5-6 weeks. I've gotten very good at explaining things in my mediocre French. This kid, however, would argue. Here's a rundown of some of our conversations.

Me: When you're done filling those molds, put them on the rack in the hallway.
Kid: No... I'll just continue filling them. You put them on the rack.
Me: Excuse me? Why not?
Kid: I don't know where the rack is.
Me: Come and I'll show you!
Kid: But I have to go home soon.

Me: Let me measure this really quickly on your scale.
Kid: Noo but noo I need to finish!
Me: It will take TWO seconds and you're filling up your piping bag.
Kid: Go get another scale from the boulangerie.
Me: Move... SEE it took two seconds. Learn to share.

Me: I just finished putting the dishes in the washing machine. You do the next round.
Kid: No.. later.
Me: What?! We ALL have stuff to do. Do the next round of dishes.
Kid: But I have to sit here and watch my milk boil.

Kid: Diana, when you do the dishes you need to make sure that you rinse things out first.
Me: Excuse me? I've been here for 4 months. I KNOW how to do the dishes.
Kid: Well I thought I'd just tell you.
Me: Well it was someone else, and you don't need to tell me.

The funniest part is when the little sh*t had to mix a recipe he was working with the day before. Unfortunately for him he couldn't find the recipe. He actually had the nerve to go to CM's office and ask him for it. Yes.. our chef doesn't have the time to learn our names, but he'll kindly hand hold you through a stupid chantilly recipe. NOT. I think the kid had a death wish... as the sous-chef was called over to figure out what the heck was going on. Later on I found the recipe behind the microwave.

I hope this kid never comes back to our lab. Otherwise I'm going to either kill him or quit.

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