
Friday, April 9, 2010

Tons of buns

So lately I've got tons of buns in the oven. Literally speaking of course, otherwise yours truly would be really freaking out. There's something to be said about eating something fresh and warm out of the oven, and even more so when its sweet, gooey, or stuffed with some delicious filling.

I made some ooey-gooey cinnamon buns, though I tweaked the recipe a little since the original has far too much butter and sugar to my liking. Plus I added maybe three times as much cinnamon as called for.

This is what the buns looked like pre-glazing.

And since it was Easter, a friend had asked me to make some hot-cross buns. Of course just because I've never had one, I wasn't at all deterred on trying her recipe out.

I doubled the dough recipe and filled some of the dough with red bean (azuki) paste. The dough was a bit too thick and I think next time I'll try a brioche or pain au lait dough.

And of course, as if these weren't enough for Easter lunch, I threw some blueberry muffins in the oven for good measure.

Generally Easter baskets are filled with eggs and chocolate, but this is what an Easter basket from an aspiring patissiere looks like!

Lunch was a hit and we even painted some Easter eggs. Of course you can tell which one is mine, since deep deep down I'm still a techie nerd at heart.


  1. Wow! I've never seen so many blueberries in a muffin before. That's divine.

  2. The eye reminds me of this special xmas ornament I once made...

  3. David - Yeah I don't skimp when it comes to blueberries... actually I don't really measure either.

    K - Hah.. I was telling my friend about the ornament and the story that goes with it.. ew.. ants.

  4. Wow! If the muffins I order for PA staff mtgs looked like that, I just might get flowers for Admin Day this year! LOL

  5. Anne - Too bad they're aren't any ovens in the break rooms... I could come bake some!
