So turns out CM was doing some special dessert for Disney. A Buzz Lightyear eclair to be exact. Little did I know, a few days later an entire camera crew would be storming our little lab to video CM teaching Buzz how to make them. If working in the lab isn't hard enough, it was frustrating tiptoe-ing around trying to work while making very little noise.
Though it is kind of funny to watch a person in a plastic oversized costume try to make an eclair. They were essentially salted caramel eclairs with a chocolate transfer on top.
When all was done, we took a group photo. For the record, I'm not a midget... I deliberately crouched so that my toque wouldn't block anyone's face.
There's even a video online of CM talking about the Buzz L'eclair creation clips of them filming in the lab:
Watch the video
And since I had to clean up the eclair aftermath, I figured instead of chucking the pate a choux I'd take it home and make some churros.

Love the outfit. That's how I've always pictured you since I've known you anyway.