
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Who you callin' chicken?

There's nothing better than putting a roast on, on a lazy Sunday when you've nothing better to do and it's still too freezing to go outside even if you had something to do. Pot roasts, roasted chicken, pork loin, meat loaf, or even lasagna; I love anything you can throw in the oven and semi-forget about, and then be reminded of as the aromas fill your kitchen and home.

It's even better when you can throw your vegetables in the same pan. I love to cook, but sometimes one dish/pan meals can be a real life saver when you're feeling too lazy to wash dishes. Last weekend I roasted another chicken and threw some potatoes in the baking dish. They were accompanied by some steamed green beans. The best part about the meal is picking the carcass clean at the end and knowing that the bones and leftovers are going to make some yummy tortilla soup.

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