
Friday, March 12, 2010

Hello Kitty!

Did I ever mention that I like Hello Kitty? Not in an insane obsessed fanatical way some people are, as seen here. I think it's because Hello Kitty reminds me of my childhood going to Sanrio stores and convincing my mom to buy me a surprise grab bag that usually ended up having some crap in it, like a pencil.

Well there's plenty of Hello Kitty in Paris. Probably not as 1/10,000th times as in Japan, but hey... this is France. I've got my keen eye out for the pink feline especially since I have a friend who seems to be allergic to Hello Kitty, which of course makes me want to snatch up Hello Kitty pink sandwich cookies or Hello Kitty jelly beans as quickly as I can. Of course I'll spare you all the pain of posting pictures of all the things I find around Paris, but I couldn't help but snap a photo of the most awesomest Vespa ever!

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