
Friday, January 1, 2010

Revisiting resolutions

So looking back on 2009, it was such a crazy year! Lots of ups and downs, and definitely lots of changes. My blog is officially a year old, and reflecting on my first post I'm pretty certain that I met most, if not all of my new year resolutions for 2009.

So here was 2009:

1) Lose 10-15lbs (yeah yeah.. i know beauty on the inside and muscle weighs more than fat.. but I can TRY)
* Well I see this is as an ongoing carry-over goal I'm still working on.
2) Run at least 10 miles a week.
* Yes if you include walking!
3) Wear more skirts/dresses (and dress better overall).
* I've purchased 5 dresses in the last 3 months, so I think that has to count for something!
4) Learn to like lamb, or at least tolerate it.
* I heart lamb. I could eat some lamb right now. Like really.
5) Do some things a little less: drink, spend, eat...
* A bit of a hedonistic year.. but I'm happy at least!
6) Do some things a little more: cook/bake, laugh, have fun.

So here's 2010:

1) Lose 10-15lbs (again)
2) On top of logging in 10 miles a week, go running once a week.
3) Learn to like salmon. A little more difficult than lamb, but doable.
4) Cook more seafood.
5) Speak less English in France.
6) Not be so uncomfortable and more gracious with gifts, or people being nice to me.

Watching the news, while waiting in the airport for my plane, apparently only 25% of people actually meet their resolutions. Glad to know that I'm in that minority!

Well here's to 2010. Hoping its the most awesome year ever! Cheers!


  1. So what happens when you graduate? Will you stay in Paris or come back to the States?

  2. When I graduate in a couple weeks, I'm going to be starting a stage (externship) and working there for the next six months!
