
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Normandy Day 2

What are aspiring pastry chef's dreams made of? Butter, sugar, flour. We've already visited a flour mill, so day two of Normandy started with a visit to a butter factory. Normandy and Brittany are renowned for their love of butter. Who doesn't love butter? Demi-sel croquant butter? Even better butter.

We went to the town of Isigny to a butter factory that is collectively owned by cow farmers. The factory makes butter, creme fraiche, cream, and milk powder for baby formula. My favorite was watching the butter oozing out of large agitators and packaged.

After the butter factory, we lunched by the sea on fresh seafood. Of course I opted for the huitres and moules (oysters and mussels). The mussels were served with the obligatory plate of frites. Yum!

We also visited Pointe du Hoc Ranger Memorial, Omaha beach, and drove by the American Cemetery in Normandy. Remember the opening scene of Saving Private Ryan? Yup, these are those very same 'stormed' beaches. With friends who always played WWII video games such as Wolfenstein or Call of Duty, it was eerie to actually visit the memorials. Crazy to think how many people lost their lives and that I was walking where decades ago bloody bodies were strewn about. It was a very humbling visit.

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