
Friday, November 13, 2009

Chocolate piece

So I'm really excited about this blog post! For about a week we've been working with chocolate. Its messy, its difficult to work with, but in the end I finished my chocolate piece and am very happy with it! I'm not sure what I was going for, but I wanted a cracked earth with things coming out of it. Its sitting atop a granite block with fluid chocolate lines coming out, accented by hearts and 'fire balls'. What do you think?

The base was made out of poured dark chocolate and a granite chocolate block. The block was made by chopping up milk, dark, and white chocolate, mixing the chocolates with melted cocoa butter, and pouring the mixture into a custom made mold.

The earth, hearts, and balls were made by molding chocolate. The coloring is achieved rather easily; cocoa butter mixed with fat-soluble pigment painted into the mold prior to pouring the chocolate.

The white chocolate ribbons and dark chocolate swirls/lines were rather difficult. To make the ribbon, I twisted chocolate coated acetate and taped it to the table to dry. The dark chocolate swirls/lines were made by mixing cocoa powder and cocoa butter in a food processor until it formed a warm dough. The dough had to be quickly rolled out and formed before it hardened and cracked.

I'm not sure how I feel about chocolate week coming to and end; perhaps a bit bittersweet?


  1. simply beautifull, great job

  2. Beautiful. Do you eat your creations or toss them away?

  3. I'm not sure what we're going to do w/ the chocolate sculptures. I think they're going on display in the restaurant. As for everything else... I usually pawn them off on unsuspecting victims! :)
