
Tuesday, October 20, 2009


This past weekend, some gals from class and I decided to rent a car and take a day trip outside of Paris. We stopped by Ikea on our way to Rouen, which was really exciting; I loaded up on some much needed things for the apartment.

Rouen is the historical capital of Normandy. It is well noted for its history of being demolished several times and for being the site where Joan of Arc was burnt at the stake. The Notre Dame cathedral of Rouen was also painted several times by Claude Monet.

The cathedral was supposed to house a Tour de Beurre (butter tower) that I was very interested in seeing, but unfortunately I couldn't find it.

Another interesting sight in Rouen is the Gros Horloge, which is an astrological clock dating back to the 16th century.

Though we weren't able to exactly pinpoint where Joan of Arc was roasted, we were able to find a cute crepe restaurant and shared a bottle of cider.

Too bad I couldn't take a crate of cider home with me!

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