
Friday, September 11, 2009

It's tarting to get boring

It's not until you spend over a week making tarts that you realize how many different variations, doughs, fillings, etc you can have. I guess that goes for most desserts, but all I can say is that I'm getting pretty freaking good at rolling out a circle of tart dough.

So here's the lineup for the last couple of days. We made a fig tart, a lemon meringue tart, a lemon curd tart (the picture is of chef's since.. well mine obviously didn't turn out), and a linzertorte. Lattice work can be a bit aggravating in a warm room with slivers of dough breaking apart. I managed though.

Next week we finish up a coffee tart (recipe from pierre Herme), and start on pate fuillette, aka puff pastry!

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