
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Round the roundabout and pass the Sault

So today we left Avignon and began our travels by car. Though the French drive on the same side of the road as we do in the states, I forgot about the roundabouts.

I used to believe that roundabouts where chaotic circles of doom, implemented by road designers as a mean joke on indecisive or skittish drivers. The first time I encountered one was as a passenger and just remember careening around the bend worrying that we would slam into another car. How do you know when to go? When to exit? What lane to be in?

If executed correctly, I've found roundabouts to be a harmonious orchestra of cars, each drifting off in their own direction. Mind you only if executed correctly. If you stop, this defeats the purpose of the roundabout; suffice it to say, my dad isn't allowed to drive anymore.

Today we drove to Pont du Gard which is an ancient Roman aqueduct. Up to 5000 people visit the aqueduct daily, some families come to bathe in the river below. It really is a sight to behold.

We also quickly stopped by Gordes and L'Abbaye de Senanque on our way to Sault. Sault boasts the vast lavender fields that people think of when they hear of Provence. Rolling hills of blues and purples. Unfortunately, none of this was here for us to see. We must have missed the flowers by a few weeks. Though the scent of lavender lingered in the air, all the fragrant buds had already gone to the guillotine. However, the landscape was dotted with huge round bales of hay... perhaps they're prepping the land for the next lavender season. Quelle dommage.

Oh well, some fresh fruit and ice cream in Aix-en-Provence added a little sweetness to the day's disappointments.


  1. Looks beautiful! Aren't there some rivers around there you can swim/boat/kayak?

  2. Anonymous... I can only assume if you're asking about boat/kayak your initials are MB? If not.. whoops. Toting 70yr old around.. if kayking, i'd have to paddle for him AND myself!

  3. Yep! That's me. I messed up and just used anonymous. :(

    I remember watching a Rick Steves episode where he canoed the "Dordogne River Valley" in South France. Looks just like the area in your pictures.....and I was completely taken. Looked like a blast.

    Thank you for sharing. I'm throughly enjoying reading your blog!
