
Monday, August 10, 2009

Birthday clam bake

Yes, I know. My birthday has come and gone, but for some reason I haven't been able to bring myself to blog about it. I guess this year I just really didn't want to celebrate it.

I'm on a tirade of hedonistic gluttony before my departure for Paris, so I decided I wanted a low key, yet tasty dinner for my birthday. The weekend prior, we feasted on several types of red meat, thus I figured an old-fashioned clam bake would do the trick.

Into the pot went sauteed onions, white wine, stock, fingerling potatoes, four pounds of clams, two pounds of shrimp, and a very unhappy lobster named Ira. Why Ira? We had just watched "Funny People", which in my opinion, was not funny in the slightest.. and decided to pay homage to the main character.

Here is Ira and his friends. They made for a delectable dinner.

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