
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mad for madeleines

I was told a month back that if my madeleines were a little bigger and made in a commercial kitchen, I could sell them at Red Rock. Well, even though they're being compared to the tough ones they probably get from Costco, I'll still take the compliment.

To me madeleines are the quintessential tea cake. I'm not too big a fan of almondy financiers and cupcakes sometimes are too sugary. Madeleines hit the spot when you're looking for that little nibble to accompany your afternoon espresso or cup of tea. For me, madeleines are as versatile as cupcakes. By adding some lavender, chocolate or lemon glaze, nuts, or even chocolate chips, you can tailor the little buttery cakes to whatever strikes your fancy.

On a whim, I decided to throw in some chocolate chips. I imagine they would also be nice if infused with some matcha or jasmine tea. Or even maybe dipped in nutella and rolled in ground hazelnuts. The possibilities are endless and maddening.. or rather madeleine-ing?

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