
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Chocolate velvet cupcakes part deux

Tonight I whipped up some more "chocolate velvet" cupcakes. This time I decided to dip them in a runny chocolate ganache and decorate them with buttercream roses.

Unfortunately, I'm a bit out of practice w/ roses and the buttercream was melting too quickly for my liking. I decided to make some mini-cupcakes too; everything its cuter in miniature form.

On a side note, tonight I started filling out my application form for a student visa. I think getting into Ferrandi was the easy part. The French government in conjunction with the French consulate over here in the US requires that prospective students use this ridiculously retarded website called to 'register' and pay a fee. You would think that the content would be in English, since its for foreign students looking to study in France, and most likely don't speak French! The little that IS in English is riddled with spelling erros. I'm not quite sure what they're trying to accomplish, aside from countless forms and questionnaires to fill out. Of course, this is on top of the application you have to submit to the consulate. And why are they making this visa application process so confusing and difficult? Because they're French...and they can. C'est la vie.

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