
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Salty and sweet

So on Sunday I tackled the third line item on my baking list. Salted butter and honey caramels. When I was in Paris I tried some awesome fleur de sel caramels at Fouquet and Jacques Genin. Of course I make no claims that my caramels are even CLOSE to being as melt-in-your-mouth tasty. There's just something about the even balance between the salty and sweet flavors and the sticky yet smooth texture that makes you reach for another tasty tidbit before you're even done chewing on the first one.

After some research, I decided to go with Pim's recipe for Salted Butter and Honey Caramels.

Now mind you, I generally don't like to cook things that have a high potential for melting off my skin. Thus I generally shy away from anything that requires deep frying. Well, the same goes for candy making. Being the paranoid pessimist that I am, I can't help but imagine hot molten sugar bubbling out of control all over the place, splattering on my face and blinding me.

No worries. I can still see, otherwise I wouldn't be able to share my finished caramels.

I guess I underestimated how many caramels this recipe would make. A couple hours after I started, and a whole lot of parchment paper later, I was finished wrapping 144 (yes a gross!) caramels. Whew!

1 comment:

  1. mmmm.. little pieces of poop never looked so good! ;)
