
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Je suis arrivee

I'm here. Finally. Call me sentimental, but the minute the wheels touched the tarmac a feeling of complete happiness just washed over me.

Yes it's rainy out, yes I'm coughing and congested probably thanks to some sick person on the plane, yes my uncle and aunt got lost and it took me ~3 hours to finally get settled in the flat, but really nothing can ruin this moment; nothing can ruin Paris.

I'm so excited I can't sleep even though I'm running on maybe 3 hours of sleep. Plans for today? Nap (or try to), stop by Franprix for some groceries, and for dinner I'm treating myself to the best falafel I've ever tasted. I've waited 2 years... I can still remember the taste, texture, smell. I know, I'm obsessed.

As Gertrude Stein once said "America is my country and Paris is my hometown". Thats the feeling I get. Perhaps I should pay Ms. Stein a visit at Père-Lachaise cemetery.

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