
Thursday, March 5, 2009

I'm leaving on a jet plane.... or not.

I generally love airports. Bustling human traffic, people greeting each other, excitement aplenty.

As I write this, I'm currently waiting in the terminal.. today is obviously not my day. I started out with having to pay $50 for heavy luggage (give me a break, I'm a woman). The plane was scheduled to leave at 12:15. Its now 3:10 and I find myself camping out on the floor next to an outlet, secretly thanking my company for providing VPN and wifi access for me to 'work' remotely.

The culprit? Leaking hydraulics on the plane. Sounds ominous doesn't it? Can't be good. Since hydraulics are usually used for moving parts such as.... landing gear. I'm sure they don't want to have to land in the ocean. So they're currently seeing if they can find another plane. I find it odd... how do you misplace a plane? I imagine the conversation going "hmm.. I know we had another one of those 757s around here somewhere.. has anyone by chance seen where I put that Boeing?"

The way I see it, since I don't have a connecting flight, I'm trying to be optimistic and let these people do their jobs. Its really not their fault and its sad to see that I'm surrounded by tons of grumpy looking people. Chin up people! At least we're not going to crash!

Hopefully I'll get out to Miami eventually...

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