
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A new year...

2008 was hard. Really hard. And not in a good way either. There were a lot of good moments.. and even more bad moments. I'm glad it finally ended.

Alas its a new year.. a time for new beginnings and a new blog. I'm not sure what the new year will bring. Hopefully some new adventures, few culinary mishaps, and exciting times. I'm optimistic.

Maybe too optimistic.. I've got a whole lot of New Year resolutions:

1) Lose 10-15lbs (yeah yeah.. i know beauty on the inside and muscle weighs more than fat.. but I can TRY)
2) Run at least 10 miles a week.
3) Wear more skirts/dresses (and dress better overall).
4) Learn to like lamb, or at least tolerate it.
5) Do some things a little less: drink, spend, eat...
6) Do some things a little more: cook/bake, laugh, have fun.

Here are a few last happy moments of 2008....

Me and Janers at Spago... we met Wolfgang!

Jane's birthday.. ignore the broken arm :)

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