
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Donut wheel

Donut wheel always brings back good memories. Its one of those places that I'll always hold close to my heart (and stomach). Now it just seems to be packed with high school/college kids who obviously can't find a better place to go study.

Some fond memories:

- Mom buying me and Dave each a custard filled bar (chocolate for me of course) and dropping us off at day care where I swear to god the other kids were about to lynch us and take them off our hands. I was a terrified 3 year old.

- Coming home from college and going out for late night donuts with the girls.

- Drunken 21st birthday thrown in the backseat of the dodge diplomat with my legs hanging out the window and trying to order donuts. Probably slurred a lot.

- Late night donut missions.. sometimes alcohol involved.. sometimes just good company.

Last night the girls knew what would hit the spot. Nothing like an old-fashioned chocolate glazed donut to cheer me up.

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