
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Food Blogger Bake Sale!

Just a little FYI, yours truly will be participating in the 2011 San Francisco Food Bloggers Bake Sale. When? Saturday, May 14th from 10AM til 6PM. Where? Hosted at 18 Reasons, 3674 18th Street, San Francisco. Why? End childhood hunger in America via Share Our Strength. Still not convinced? Come buy some of my goodies. 'Nuff said.

For more info, visit:

Monday, March 21, 2011


I should probably be posting pictures of things I ate while briefly visiting Tokyo, but I'm behind on my blogging. Way behind. How far behind? Back to Paris... behind. So I'll make this post short and sweet tasty.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Long weekend in Tokyo

Just a quick update as to what I've been up to. Yeah, that's right party people. Yours truly was in Tokyo... I was mid-flight when the 8.9 earthquake hit. Stranded in Haneda airport. Freaked out because of nuclear fallout. Rode out aftershocks every 20 minutes. Because of scheduling conflicts, we couldn't stick to the original itinerary of spending the 11th and 12th on a beach front resort. Lucky us.. otherwise I would have been pulled out to sea by a tsunami.

Our 10 day vacation was cut down to 3 days, as I flew out on Thursday night and back into California on Monday night, but I'm glad to be back home. My heart and wishes go out to those in Japan dealing with the devastation. One thing I did manage to do in Japan was eat. Food pics and updates soon to follow.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Burnt almond cupcakes

Someone once asked me if I ever get bored of baking the same things. Being back in the concrete jungle that is Silicon Valley, it's a bit hard to bake French pastries, or larger cakes that I'm accustomed to. Here I feed the masses. And as much as I'd like a 9-inch cake sitting on my desk, it creates quite a mess when serving. That's why I default to muffins, cookies, cupcakes, and smaller self-serve tasty treats.