So looking back on 2009, it was such a crazy year! Lots of ups and downs, and definitely lots of changes. My blog is officially a year old, and reflecting on my first post I'm pretty certain that I met most, if not all of my new year resolutions for 2009.
So here was 2009:
1) Lose 10-15lbs (yeah yeah.. i know beauty on the inside and muscle weighs more than fat.. but I can TRY)
* Well I see this is as an ongoing carry-over goal I'm still working on.
2) Run at least 10 miles a week.
* Yes if you include walking!
3) Wear more skirts/dresses (and dress better overall).
* I've purchased 5 dresses in the last 3 months, so I think that has to count for something!
4) Learn to like lamb, or at least tolerate it.
* I heart lamb. I could eat some lamb right now. Like really.
5) Do some things a little less: drink, spend, eat...
* A bit of a hedonistic year.. but I'm happy at least!
6) Do some things a little more: cook/bake, laugh, have fun.