It was really nice having boulangerie on Monday, and since some of us didn't have French class, we didn't have to show up until 1:30. However, I think waking up early and staying up very very late on the weekend took its toll on me. As I was loading up the large 'walk in' style oven, I dropped a sheet pan with some brioche... imagine loud crash of heavy iron baking sheet and brioche splattered all over the oven floor; I felt really horrible. At least this one escaped my wrath and turned out okay.

Oh well, mistakes happen. On the upside, we made croissants using butter instead of nasty margarine. Its unbelievable how much better they are. Actually when you think of yummy dairy versus flavored oil, it is actually believable. I don't care how much easier margarine is to work with. Maybe I'm a purist, but butter is always better.

Argh, your pictures of the GBD (golden, brown, and delicious) croissants are making me jealous. I will just have to try my hand at making my own one of these days, once I find a good recipe.
Gorgeous work. I wish I had patience for that... I can only imagine what my croissants would look like...
Miss you! How's life!??!?
Leo - Or you can just stop by milk pail market in MTV and pick up some frozen ones and bake em off. They're really good!
J - Its been so busy! Fun though! Kinda glad I have a nutty chef. It would be hard to concentrate if he was good looking ;)
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