Thursday, July 23, 2009

Pecan sanderdoodles and granola krispies

Now, now.. I know what you're thinking, but I haven't lost all of my marbles. There are still a few rattling around in there. But its not as barren as my pantry is becoming. At this point I'm pretty much desperation baking. And what do I mean by that? I mean if I have one egg in the fridge and salted butter, instead of the unsalted variety, I will scour the internet and improvise a recipe to accommodate what I have on hand rather than go to the grocery store.

I took a recipe for maple snickerdoodles and rice krispie treats and modified them. I ended up with, well a cookie that resembled the love child of a pecan sandie and a snickerdoodle, and granola krispie treats with almonds.

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